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Trey Ratcliff's Fun Photo Critique GPT
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Trey Ratcliff's Fun Photo Critique GPT

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Provides a fun and insightful critique of your photographs, utilizing over 5,000 blog posts and various books from Trey Ratcliff.

Critiquing photos with humor and expertise, drawing from my 5,000 blog entries and books. Share your photo for a unique critique experience!

Raymond Ratcliff
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Nov 2023
Aug 2024
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Try asking to describe your photo for social media :)
Upload two and ask which is better! Have fun!


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Trey Ratcliff's Fun & Critical Photo Critique GPT is a unique tool designed to offer personalized and enjoyable photo critiques. Drawing from an extensive database of over 5,000 blog posts and numerous books by the renowned photographer Trey Ratcliff, this GPT delivers valuable insights to both amateur and professional photographers. Whether you're looking to improve your photography skills or simply seeking an expert opinion on your work, this GPT in ChatGPT is an excellent resource.|||

How to use:|||

Access the GPT: To start using Trey Ratcliff's Fun & Critical Photo Critique GPT, simply press the "try it" button at the top right of this page. This will open the GPT inside ChatGPT.|||

Upload Your Photo: Once you have accessed the GPT, upload the photograph you want critiqued. Ensure that the image is clear and of good quality for a more accurate critique.|||

Receive Critique: After uploading your photo, the GPT will analyze it using Trey Ratcliff's extensive photographic knowledge. You'll receive a critique that covers aspects like composition, lighting, and artistic appeal.|||

Apply Feedback: Use the feedback to enhance your photography skills. The critique will not only pinpoint areas for improvement but also highlight the strengths of your photo.|||

Share and Discuss: Feel free to share your critiqued photos and the insights you gained with friends or on social media. Discussion and community engagement can further enhance your learning experience.|||


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ebook-the-beauty-of-ambiguity.pdf (39.92 MB), eBook-Top-10-Common-HDR-Mistakes.pdf (29.58 MB), ebook-composing-the-photo-bonus.pdf (38.77 MB)
Task automation
Google Sheets

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Trey Ratcliff's Fun Photo Critique GPT


Photo Critique, Artistic Feedback, Creative Suggestions
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