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Google Analytics Virtual Assistant
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Google Analytics Virtual Assistant

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Verified builder

Talk to your Google Analytics data for reporting, optimization, hypothesis testing etc. Powered by Adzviser.

community builder
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Feb 2024
Aug 2024
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Conversation starters

How many new users did my website have this week vs last week?
What are the sessions, engagement rate, total users and session conversion rate on google analytics this past month? How are they compared to the month before?
What are sessions, engaged sessions and conversions last week? Make sessions the upper funnel, engaged sessions mid funnel and conversions lower funnel and show me a percentage histogram.
Get me daily conversions and session conversion rate, user conversion rate and purchaser conversion rate for this month. Graph the conversions using histograms and other rates using line graphs.


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The Google Analytics Virtual Assistant is a sophisticated GPT designed to streamline your interaction with Google Analytics. It serves as a conversational interface, allowing you to query your data, generate reports, and test hypotheses with ease. Powered by Adzviser, this GPT integrates seamlessly with Google Analytics, providing actionable insights and data-driven recommendations to optimize your online presence. ||| Whether you're a marketer, data analyst, or business owner, the Google Analytics Virtual Assistant is your go-to resource for making informed decisions based on your website's performance metrics. Its user-friendly interface and advanced analytics capabilities make it an indispensable tool for anyone looking to enhance their digital strategy. |||

To use this GPT for ChatGPT users in non-technical terms:


The Google Analytics Virtual Assistant is an intuitive GPT that helps you converse with your Google Analytics data without needing deep technical knowledge. It's like having a data analyst at your fingertips, ready to answer your questions and guide your website optimization efforts.

How to use:

  1. Start Chatting: Simply press the 'Chat' button at the top right of this page to open the GPT inside ChatGPT.
  2. Ask Questions: Type in your queries about website traffic, user behavior, or conversion rates, and the GPT will interpret your questions and provide you with the data you need.
  3. Get Insights: Use the information provided by the GPT to make informed decisions about your website's performance and marketing strategies.
  4. Optimize: Apply the insights to optimize your website, improve user experience, and increase conversions based on the GPT's data-driven suggestions.


The Google Analytics Virtual Assistant is a powerful ally in navigating the complexities of website analytics. By leveraging its capabilities, you can gain a better understanding of your audience, refine your marketing efforts, and drive your business forward with confidence.


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Data Analysis


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