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AMBOSS Medical Knowledge
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AMBOSS Medical Knowledge

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Ask me medical questions in any language. I will consult the AMBOSS Library to provide answers. (Note: I do not offer tailored medical advice; always consult a specialist.)

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Nov 2023
Jun 2024
This GPT has been removed or is inactive

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Define myocardial infarction.
What causes anemia?
List the symptoms of hypothyroidism.
What is the most important risk factor for an aortic aneurysm rupture?


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AMBOSS Medical Knowledge is a sophisticated GPT designed to field a wide array of medical questions, ranging from symptoms and treatments to specific diseases. By leveraging the comprehensive AMBOSS Knowledge Bank, which is subject to professional scrutiny, users receive informed responses in a variety of languages. ||| While AMBOSS Medical Knowledge serves as a valuable informational resource, it's crucial to remember that it does not substitute for personalized medical advice. For tailored healthcare guidance, consulting a medical specialist is always recommended. ||| This GPT's multilingual capabilities, including German and Spanish, make it an accessible source of medical knowledge for a diverse user base.

To use this GPT, follow these simple steps:

How to use:

  1. Start Chatting: Click the 'Chat' button located at the top right of this page to initiate a conversation with the GPT inside ChatGPT.
  2. Ask Questions: Type in your medical queries about symptoms, treatments, or diseases you're curious about.
  3. Receive Information: The GPT will provide you with answers by referencing the AMBOSS Knowledge Bank.
  4. Language Options: If you prefer to communicate in a language other than English, specify your language of choice.

In conclusion, AMBOSS Medical Knowledge GPT is a user-friendly platform for obtaining medical knowledge. While it offers a wealth of information, it's important to use this service as a supplement to professional medical advice, not a replacement. Whether you're a medical professional looking to brush up on your knowledge or a curious individual seeking medical information, this GPT can provide quick and reliable answers.


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