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Custom HS Card Generator
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Custom HS Card Generator

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Verified builder

I design Hearthstone cards and generate art.

Fred Roberts
community builder
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Verified builder
Nov 2023
Aug 2024
This GPT has been removed or is inactive

Conversation starters

Create a card idea.
Generate artwork for a card.
What's a good card effect?
Design a legendary card.


Generated by ChatGPT
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Unleash Creativity with the 'Custom HS Card Generator' GPT, a specialized assistant designed for Hearthstone enthusiasts and creative minds. This GPT skillfully crafts custom Hearthstone cards, complete with generated artwork that captures the essence of the game's enchanting universe. Whether you're looking to expand your collection with personalized cards or simply explore new artistic horizons within the Hearthstone realm, this GPT stands ready to transform your visions into virtual collectibles. |||

Engage Your Imagination as you collaborate with the GPT to create cards that resonate with the strategic depth and thematic richness of Hearthstone. With an intuitive interface and a knack for detail, the 'Custom HS Card Generator' ensures that every card is a testament to your creativity and passion for the game. |||

Share Your Creations with a community of like-minded individuals, as this GPT not only generates the cards but also provides a platform for showcasing your custom designs. Whether for fun or to spark discussions about potential game mechanics, your generated cards can become a part of the larger Hearthstone conversation. |||

How to use:

  1. Start Chatting: Access the GPT by pressing the 'Chat' button at the top right of this page to open the GPT inside ChatGPT.
  2. Describe Your Card: Provide a detailed description of the Hearthstone card you wish to create, including attributes like name, type, rarity, class, mana cost, attack, health, and any special abilities.
  3. Visualize Art: Share your vision for the card's artwork. You can describe the style, colors, characters, and any specific elements you want to be included in the illustration.
  4. Review and Refine: Once the GPT presents your custom card and art, review it and provide feedback if any adjustments are needed to ensure it aligns with your original concept.

In conclusion, the 'Custom HS Card Generator' GPT is a fantastic resource for Hearthstone players and creative individuals looking to bring their card ideas to life. With easy-to-follow steps and a user-friendly interface, you can quickly create and share your own Hearthstone cards with the world.


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Custom HS Card Generator


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